Matters of Urgency – Regional Security, 20 March 2023

Senator BABET (Victoria—United Australia Party Whip) (16:50): Strengthening our nation’s ability to defend itself is something that we in this place should all support. I would like to thank every Australian who has served or is serving us in our defence forces. We respect and honour you. I congratulate the PM for continuing the work of the former government to boost our defence capability by the acquisition of nuclear subs. The UAP’s policy of acquiring nuclear subs we took to the federal election, and we are pleased to see it become a reality.

The sum of $368 billion is obviously huge, and we will do our best to hold the government to account. We must ensure this significant investment of taxpayer money delivers the largest increase in defence capability possible. We must ensure that it increases defence capability and protects our people and our sovereignty. We hope that the project is delivered on time and on budget.