No to the Digital ID Bill

No to the Digital ID Bill

We demand an inquiry into unexplained and excess deaths.

10473 Signed of 20000 Goal

The Albanese government’s Digital ID Bill 2023 is a direct threat to your freedom.

They say that their Digital ID will be private, safe, and secure. They say that it will protect consumers. I’d argue that the Australian people – given the experience of the past few years – have a far greater need for protection from their government than from ID theft.

A digital ID, if combined with a central bank digital currency, is the perfect platform for government to track a citizen’s every move. Add in the climate ideology and you’ve got the prefect mechanism to restrict movement and consumption.

It’s a risk we cannot take.

We must reject the Digital ID, before we walk blindly into a government designed digital prison.

Thank you for your support.

Sign up and help me to protect Australia from government overreach.

Yours sincerely,

Sen. Ralph Babet

Senator Babet
Senator for Victoria