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Media Release: Olympic Games Opening Ceremony – Demonic and Deranged

Saturday 27 July, 2024 Senator Ralph Babet has called on Australians to ignore the Olympic Games after an opening ceremony he described as “demonic and deranged”. And he has insisted that organisers of the 2032 Brisbane Olympics promise not to repeat the “anti-Christian woke fest that the world witnessed in Paris overnight”. “Tell me what an obese female Jesus-like figure, with transgendered disciples, has to do with sport,” Senator Babet said. “The Paris Games opening ceremony was not a celebration of sport, and nor did it bring the world together. “Instead, woke elites – who in true fashion ruin everything…

Media Release: The Prime Minister must sack the eSafety Commissioner

Monday 22 July, 2024 Senator Babet has called upon the Labor government to remove Julie Inman Grant from the role of eSafety Commissioner, a position that he said “she is wholly unfit to occupy”. “The Commissioner is plainly partisan in a role that demands impartiality,” Senator Babet said.  “Speaking on July 18th at Government House in NSW, Inman Grant made comments about the former and likely next President of the United States Donald J. Trump that should immediately disqualify her from an important independent regulatory role such as this. “She implied in her speech that Trump was a “grave threat”…

Media Release: Tenacious D Must Be Deported Immediately

“Tenacious D should be immediately removed from the country after wishing for the assassination of Donald Trump at their Sydney concert,” Senator Ralph Babet said today. Tenacious D member Kyle Gass, making a birthday wish, told concert goers that he hoped the next person to shoot at Trump did not miss. “I condemn in the strongest possible way the call to political violence by Tenacious D in Sydney on Sunday,” the United Australia Party Senator said. “To advocate and or wish for the assassination of a President is egregious, disgusting, filthy, evil, and not acceptable in any way, shape or…

Letter: Free Julian Assange

Senator Babet has co-signed a letter with sixty-two other federal parliamentarians, asking for Julian Assange to be freed. Click here for the letter in full.

Media Release on Excess Deaths: Fifth time is a charm! Senator Babet’s motion to refer Excess Mortality to a Senate Committee has succeeded.

Following two years of repeated attempts by Senator Babet and the United Australia Party, today the Senate finally voted in favour of investigating excess deaths. For the past few years Australians have been dying in excess numbers without adequate explanation. Excess mortality is not just a transitory phenomenon. In 2022 we experienced our highest excess death rate since World War Two. The Australian Bureau of Statistics provisional mortality data released last month confirm that to November 2023 there were 15,114 or 10% more deaths than the baseline average. Senator Babet’s successful motion means that the Community Affairs References Committee will…

Media Release: Senate Votes in Favor of Further Inquiry into Excess Deaths

United Australia Party Senator Ralph Babet has scored a huge win in the Australian Senate. The Senate voted in favour of his general business motion around excess deaths in Australia. There were 31 senators who supported the motion and 30 who voted against it.  The motion was as follows: General business notice of motion no. 462—That the Senate acknowledges that:  (a)               the concerning number of excess deaths observed in Australia in 2021 and 2022 has continued into 2023 as evidenced by all-cause provisional mortality data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics; and  (b)              there is a need for further inquiry as to the…

Media Release: Senator Babet stands with former Tasmanian Councillor Louise Elliot

Louise Elliot is a suspended Councillor for the City of Hobart. She is currently suspended from her duties as a Councillor for 30 days for speaking in defense of Women’s rights. One of Louise’s great crimes was attending a “Let Women Speak” rally, organised by Kellie-Jay Keen. United Australia Party Senator Ralph Babet has thrown his full support behind the persecuted Louise Elliot of Tasmania. Elliot has been temporarily stood down as a Councillor with the Hobart City Council. “Louise is a proud Australian who possesses the courage and conviction that we should expect of our elected representatives”, Senator Babet…

Media Release: The AEC must come down hard on the Yes campaign’s latest trick

Senator Ralph Babet MEDIA RELEASE Tuesday 3 October 2023 The AEC must come down hard on the Yes campaign’s latest trick Following the 2019 Federal Election, the Court of Disputed Returns examined the use of purple campaign signage similar to the brand style of the AEC in the Divisions of Chisholm and Kooyong. The court found the signs were likely to mislead or deceive a voter in relation to the casting of a vote, contravening Section 329 of the Commonwealth Electoral Act 1918 (the Electoral Act). As pre-polls opened around the nation for the Voice referendum on Monday, it has…

Media Release: Victoria freed from tyranny. Dictator Dan sees the writing on the wall.

26 September 2023 Victoria freed from tyranny. Dictator Dan sees the writing on the wall United Australia Party Senator for Victoria Ralph Babet says the news today that Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews is resigning from his position (effective 5pm Wednesday) is huge relief for the state of Victoria. Senator Babet spoke of his “overwhelming joy” upon hearing the news as Victorians continue to ponder the perilous condition of their state. “I haven’t felt so much joy since I was a five-year-old waking up on Christmas Day,” Senator Babet said. “When I think of Dan and his governance of our state,…

Media Release: Federal Court rules ticks allowed but crosses informal!

Wednesday 20 September SYDNEY Today, United Australia Party Senator Ralph Babet’s application against the Australian Electoral Commission was heard in the Federal Court.  He sought to challenge the AEC’s decision to accept a tick as a ‘Yes’, but to rule that a cross is informal on the upcoming voice referendum ballot papers. Senator Babet says the decision by the Federal Court today to maintain ticks as valid ‘Yes’ votes, but crosses as informal votes on referendum ballot papers is disappointing. “We brought this matter as an issue of fairness and to have tick or cross symbols given the same treatment…

Media Release: Minister makes ill-conceived decision on international flights

19 September 2023 SYDNEY A federal senate public inquiry was held today in Sydney by the Select Committee on Commonwealth Bilateral Air Service Agreements. The committee is investigating the operation of air services in Australia. Deputy chair of the committee, Senator Ralph Babet, put a question to Dr Tony Webber, former Qantas Chief Economist and current Managing Director of Airline Intelligence and Research. Dr Webber was asked if he thought there was an unhealthy relationship between Qantas and the Australian Government. Dr Webber responded: “It does seem that way.” Senator Babet then asked Dr Webber if Qatar Airways flights into regional…

Senator Babet calls for the resignation of the ACT Chief Minister

United Australia Party Senator Ralph Babet has called for ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr to resign for presiding over a government which deployed a corrupt prosecutor.  In the wake of the scandal surrounding the Sofronoff Report, Senator Babet also said all convictions under Shane Drumgold when he was the Director of Public Prosecutions should be re-considered given the adverse findings made against him.  “The Chief Minister should look at his own shortcomings as leader of the ACT Government rather than attacking the person in charge of the inquiry for releasing the report,’’ Senator Babet said.  “Unless the report was released,…

Vaccine Indemnity: It’s time to Investigate!

Senator Babet secures a win for the people. Vaccine indemnity to be investigated. Following debate of his Private Senators bill in the Australian senate today, United Australia Party Senator Ralph Babet has successfully had his bill, the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Amendment (Vaccine Indemnity) Bill 2023 referred to a Senate Committee for review. This bill seeks to end the practice of vaccine indemnities, which absolve the pharmaceutical industry from responsibility for their products and places the financial and legal burden onto Australian taxpayers. “This is a huge win for transparency and accountability,” Senator Babet said. “The issuing of indemnity,…

The End of Indemnity for Big Pharma

United Australia Party Senator Ralph Babet has today introduced to the Senate a bill which will mark the end of the coercive practices of big pharmaceutical corporations in Australia. The bill, titled the Public Governance, Performance and Accountability Amendment (Vaccine Indemnity) Bill 2023 will “ensure no future indemnities are granted by the Commonwealth in relation to the use of vaccines. This bill will limit financial and legal risk to the Commonwealth and aid in the restoration of trust in medicine,” Senator Babet said. “The Federal Budget papers for 2023-24, contain multiple, ‘unquantifiable contingent liabilities’ relating to vaccines. The unquantifiable liability…

Once bitten twice shy – When will the AEC learn?

On the eve of the 2022 Federal Election, the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) dragged the United Australia Party’s Craig Kelly into court at midnight, seeking to prevent him from campaigning on election day. Why? Because they argued the font size used for the authorisation on his campaign signs was too small. That case failed, and in my opinion, out of spite, the AEC then dragged Mr Kelly to court for a second time for the font size used on his election posters. Today the AEC have failed again! The case was dismissed and Mr Kelly was awarded costs. This comes…

Senator Babet refers children’s sex-ed book to the classification board 

The United Australia Party senator told Sky News last night that the book – which provides graphic details on sex acts – was completely unsuitable for children.   “I have serious concerns over the graphic sexual content in this book,” Senator Babet said.    “I have written to the Labor Communications Minister, Michelle Rowland, Australian Classification Board and Opposition Leader Peter Dutton. I am seeking an explanation as to how this book escaped the relevant classifications and also requesting that they reclassify this material in order to keep it away from children.    “I want this book appropriately classified and removed from the…

Commonwealth Games Canned for Victoria

Senator Ralph Babet has said that “The cancellation of the 2026 Commonwealth Games is humiliating to the people of Victoria and highlights the toxic mismanagement of our state under the Andrews government.” “Victoria has more debt than any other state in our nation. In fact it has been reported that our state debt exceeds that of Queensland, New South Wales and Tasmania combined. “Premier Andrews has broken another election promise. The Victorian people are rightly appalled by the inability of the government to manage the people’s money. Clearly the government has failed to complete adequate due diligence and costing. “How…

Saving Vicki Derderian: Urgent fundraising needed

Senator Ralph Babet has spoken up in support of Vicki Derderian, a very sick mother of two from Melbourne who’s in desperate need of a life-saving heart transplant.

Denied a heart transplant because of vaccine status.

Melbourne wife and mother Vicki has been fighting a long battle to get onto the heart transplant list at the Alfred Hospital. They are denying her a place on this list because she hasn’t taken the mRNA injections. She even has an exemption from ATAGI on the basis that she is immunocompromised, yet the Alfred are still refusing to help her. Watch as she talks to Senator Babet about her life threatening illness, her VCAT hearing and what her next steps will be to save her life.

The government is your sole source of truth.

Senator Babet asks Minister Wong if the government is going to recommend censoring of Australian politicians in future, in the same way that former MPs Craig Kelly and George Christensen were censored in recent years.

Restrict porn, protect children.

We must do more to protect our children from the devastation that pornography can cause in their lives. Nowadays, anyone with a phone – and all kids have them – can easily access all manner of material which previously they wouldn’t have been able to see in the days of newsagencies and video stores. It is a blight on our society, and we have to act now, says Senator Babet.

Born alive and left to die.

At the recent hearing conducted by the Senate Standing Committee on Community Affairs, heartbreaking testimony was given by a number of experts regarding the Human Rights (Children Born Alive Protection) Bill 2022, a bill co-sponsored by Senator Babet. Warning: some parts of this video may be distressing.

Christian Schools Are Under Threat!

Senator Babet talks to Neil Johnson of the 20Twenty radio show regarding the radical left’s attack on religious content in schools. Christian schools are under threat and may be required to teach a more secular curriculum, if the left gets its way.

We Must Protect Babies!

Sky News’ Amanda Stoker provides excellent coverage of the Human Rights (Children Born Alive Protection) Bill 2022, launch by Senator Matt Canavan, Senator Alex Antic and our own Senator Ralph Babet. Watch as experts such as Professor Joanna Howe provide evidence and arguments that this bill should not only be debated in the Senate, but should also pass. Without delay.

Cost of living crisis: Don’t blame the RBA or Putin, the Labor Party has failed us

Senator Babet has spoken up in defence of all Australians who are struggling through the cost-of-living crisis which is getting progressively worse.

Babies Are Being Left To Die.

Sky News delivers an opinion piece covering the Human Rights (Children Born Alive Protection) Bill 2022. The question they ask is “How does a civilised society allow this?”

85% Support for Senator Babet’s Human Rights (Children Born Alive Protection) Bill 2022

The bill that was originally created by George Christensen and re-introduced by Matt Canavan with support from Senators Ralph Babet and Alex Antic has received overwhelming support. United Australia Party Senator Ralph Babet alongside his Senate colleagues Senators Canavan and Antic recently introduced a very important bill in the Federal Senate, the Human Rights (Children Born Alive Protection) Bill 2022. If passed, this bill would ensure that children who are born alive after a failed abortion are rendered medical care. On average one child is born alive per week in Queensland and Victoria.  UAP Senator Ralph Babet is defending the…

Senator Babet opposes the takeover of the ACT’s Calvary Hospital

The Prime Minister must intervene to stop the ACT government’s takeover of a Catholic hospital and assure Christians that their institutions are safe. The ACT government’s unprecedented decision to take over Calvary Public Hospital sets a dangerous precedent that should worry all Christian organisations. If the Labor/Green government can walk in and assume control of a Christian hospital, will schools be next? Labor/Green politicians will no doubt claim that their take-over of Calvary Hospital is a special case and does not represent a new anti-Christian policy. But Christians would be naïve in the extreme to take such assurances at face…

These people need to be held to account!

Politicians and the media claimed, over and over, that the unvaccinated were wrong and were putting the vaccinated “at risk” with their “selfish” behaviour”. History has shown that those of us in the United Australia Party were right all along. What else could we be right about?

Budget reply: Thursday May 11th.

Senator Babet delivers his budget reply in the Senate chamber on Thursday May 11th, just after 8pm. “There are no tough decisions in the budget. Courage, it seems, is not the Treasurer’s strong point,” says Senator Babet. Find out what else he has to say on the government’s first full budget.

Liberals on the ropes!

Senator Babet speaks with Cory Bernardi on Sky News and discusses the dire state of the Liberal Party, both nationally and locally in Victoria.

I rise today with some flattering news.

It seems that the government can’t come up with any decent policies of their own, so they have to plagiarise the policies of the United Australia Party. Senator Babet explains why.

Leave the kids alone!

Senator Babet has no problem with adults “being adults” with other adults, but when it comes to “being adults” around children, that’s where he draws the line. Senator Babet believes that sexualised content has no place in a young child’s life, for any reason. “Leave the kids alone,” he says.

Children born alive: It’s a disgrace that this is even being debated.

When an abortion fails, sometimes the child is born still breathing and needing nourishment and basic health care. At the moment, there are no laws that give newborns in this situation any rights whatsoever, and they are left to die without any care. Senator Babet strongly believes that laws should be made to protect these children, and he’s not the only one. It happens more often than you would think.

The Monash Council has cancelled drag queen story time.

“It was obvious at the last council meeting that there was overwhelming public displeasure in the community regarding this event. Public concern centred around the use of ratepayer money to host what many residents believe is inappropriate content for children aged 1-6. “As a Senator elected to represent the people of Victoria, I have received an overwhelming amount of communication from concerned parents and grandparents on this issue. I will continue to advocate for the innocence of children. We have a duty to ensure that the content our children are exposed to is age-appropriate and not confusing. “Some have attempted…

Once again Senator Babet calls for more transparency in politics

“Currently there is no requirement for the public disclosure of who is given a sponsored pass for access to Parliament House,” said Senator Babet today. “I and some of my fellow Senators and Members have written to the Presiding Officers to call for public disclosure of sponsored pass holders.” “Our system of government, where people consent to be governed is fragile, because it is built entirely upon trust. People give their consent to be governed because they trust that their elected representatives will be acting honestly and with integrity. “From my very first day in the Senate, it was abundantly…

Behind enemy lines: ABC radio interview.

Senator Babet takes on the ABC’s Raf Epstein and gives and good as he gets. Raf thinks that drag queen story time is no big deal, but Senator Babet strongly disagrees. Have a listen to this 7 minute interview and let us know what you think.

Children and radical gender theory.

Senator Babet discusses drag queen story time with Sky News’ Cory Bernardi, including the wider implications to our society of promoting gender fluidity to young children, an ever-increasing trend in our educational institutions and communities that must be stopped.

Nuclear subs: what does the AUKUS treaty mean for Australia?

Senator Babet discusses the impact of the new AUKUS treaty, which includes the purchase of nuclear powered submarines from the United States.

Let kids be kids!

The Monash city council’s drag queen story time gets a visit from Senator Babet himself. Was his attendance at the event influential in getting the event cancelled? Decide for yourself by watching this short video.

Open letter to Monash City Council regarding drag queen story time for children aged 1 to 6

To Mayor Tina Samardzija, Councillors and Chief Executive Officer Andy Diamond, As a Senator elected to represent the people of Victoria, I have received an overwhelming volume of communication about an upcoming drag queen story time event to be hosted by the Council. Due to the public concern, I decided to attend your public council meeting on 26th April 2023 to hear for myself how the Council deals with these types of community concerns. It was clear to me that many concerned residents attended the council meeting with the intention of protecting the innocence of children and to question the…

The government is setting us up for poverty!

Every fiscal decision this government makes is driving more and more Australians towards the poverty line. Senator Babet explains why.

In order to build trust, we need more transparency!

Senator Babet gives a speech in the chamber on trust, transparency and respect within government. “It’s important that power and influence are scrutinised,” says Senator Babet.

Senator Ralph Babet has called for an inquiry into historic execution of two Australian servicemen by British Allied Forces

In 1902, two Australian soldiers, Lieutenants Morant and Handcock were executed for following orders during the Boer War with a third serviceman Lieutenant George Witton imprisoned for life. It is alleged the facts of the case have been covered up by the British Government and Australian family members have made fresh calls for a long overdue investigation because they are desperate to know the truth. United Australia Party Senator, Ralph Babet, said today “as we draw nearer to Anzac Day we are reminded of the ultimate sacrifice made by Australian soldiers. The circumstances surrounding the execution of these soldiers is…

Water tour of Northern Victoria by Senator Ralph Babet and Rikkie-Lee Tyrrell MP

Continuing on with the extensive work already done on the Murray Darling Basin Plan, Rikkie-Lee Tyrrell , MLC, (One Nation) and Senator Ralph Babet (UAP) conducted a tour of Northern Victoria this week. This cross party tour focused on water, agriculture, health and regional development issues and started in Mildura on April 17th, moving on to Robinvale, Swan Hill and Echuca and ending at Dartmouth Dam on Friday the 21st April.   On Monday in Mildura Senator Babet and Rikkie-Lee Tyrell MLC first met and spoke with the Oz Fish team at the Psyche pump station about their ongoing projects…

The Liberal Party is weak.

Senator Babet appears on the Bernardi show on Sky News and discusses the lack of impact that the Liberal party is having on achieving any sort of meaningful or courageous opposition to the socialist-leaning Labor governments throughout Australia, federally and in most states.

Australian Christian Lobby – Children Born Alive bill.

Senator Babet speaks to the Australian Christian Lobby regarding the Born Alive Bill, a bill he co-sponsors with Senators Matt Canavan and Alex Antic.

A heart for Vicki is “a heart wasted”.

Vicky Derderian has an incurable heart condition and needs a transplant, or she will die within a few short years. Senator Babet talks with her and her husband John about her situation, including the refusal of the Alfred Hospital to put her on the transplant list becuase she is not vaccinated for covid, despite the fact that she has an exemption from ATAGI.

The sun, the moon, the truth.

Senator Babet speaks to a sold-out Melbourne Exhibition Centre during the United Australia Party’s covid conference in February 2023.

WHO Pandemic Treaty.

The World Health Organisation is attempting to control the policy of many western nations, including Australia, when it comes to policies around the management of future pandemics. It is dangerous for us to sign up to this arrangement, explains Senator Babet.

Daniel Andrews has been to China 7 times.

Victoria’s premier has an uncomfortably close relationship with the Chinese Communist Party. Just how much influence does the CCP have over our premier, and the direction in which our state is headed? Senator Babet discusses this and more.

People are dying. The Government won’t investigate. Why?

In 2022, Australia has seen an alarming rise in excess deaths. Deaths normally grow by around 1%, in line with population growth, year on year. In 2022, the growth in deaths has soared into the mid to high teens. Senator Babet demands action on this alarming upward trend.

Bernadi: AUKUS, CBDC, Renewable Energy!

Senator Babet appears on the Bernardi show on Sky News and discusses a range of topics.

We must lift the mandates!

Senator Babet joins several of his senate colleagues in demanding an end to vaccine mandates. The result was highly disappointing, with the vast majority of Senators voting to keep mandates in place. Their names will live in infamy.

15 minute cities are coming.

If Australians think that their freedoms can’t possibly be eroded any further, after what happened in 2020 and 2021, they should think again, says Senator Babet.

Unapproved medicines are coming to Australia!

Just when you thought things couldn’t get any easier for Big Pharma in this country, the Australian government goes and makes new laws allowing for swifter and easier passage of unapproved and untried medical interventions to land on our shores. Senator Babet is quite rightfully seriously concerned about this.

The government promised integrity but delivered dishonesty!

Once again, the government promises one thing and delivers another, says Senator Babet.

Vote no to the voice!

Senator Babet makes an impassioned plea to all Australians not to support the divisive and ill-considered Voice to Parliament.

Senator Babet talks to the ABC.

Many conservative Senators or MPs wouldn’t go near the ABC with a forty-foot pole. Senator Babet has no such qualms. Find out what happened when he talked to Raf Epstein.

Senator Babet’s maiden speech.

Senator Ralph Babet announces his arrival into the Australian psyche with a powerful, passionate and patriotic maiden speech. Listen to him explain his values, his vision and his life story before entering Australia’s 47th parliament.

Senator Babet compilation!

Enjoy a compilation of the best moments during the first few months of Senator Babet’s first term in parliament as the United Australia Party’s Senator for Victoria.

Interference of Eventbrite in the democratic process in Australia

Federal leader of the United Australia Party, Senator Ralph Babet, advised of yet another major encroachment on the basic human rights of the Australian people. The ticket sales platform Eventbrite has decided to cancel the  sale of tickets for the upcoming Covid-19 Vaccine Conference, due to be held in early February, in locations across Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. The email states that the event does not comply with Eventbrite’s community guidelines. The event is to feature headline speaker, Dr Peter A. McCullough, who is arguably the world’s leading cardiologist and foremost expert regarding Covid-19. He has over 1,000…

No one group should have a special voice: United Australia Party

All Australians should have a voice that unites us as a country, Federal Leader of the United Australia Party, Senator Ralph Babet, said today. “We have a diverse country so all voices should be heard,’’ Senator Babet said. “The Government’s outdated approach to equality is to grant rights to be heard to some, while ignoring the voice of others. “All Australians should have a voice that will unite us. “Nelson Mandela dedicated his life to democracy and equality, Martin Luther King did all he could so that children could walk hand and hand through the fields of Georgia regardless of…