Senate Speeches

woocommerce-placeholder 03/07/24
03 Jul

The Public Service: it needs to be slashed, says Senator Babet.

Statements by Senators – Public Sector Governance, Wednesday 3 July, 2024 Senator BABET (Victoria—United Australia Party Whip) (13:47): Many Australians are quickly realising that, as bad as this Labor government has been, it may not be the biggest problem that we ...

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woocommerce-placeholder 27/03/24
27 Mar

Taxation: “the Australian public do not take kindly to being cheated on.”

Statements by Senators – Albanese Government, Wednesday 27 March, 2024 Senator BABET (Victoria—United Australia Party Whip) (13:48): The Albanese government has never seen a tax it did not want to flirt with. And it has never met a tax it did ...

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woocommerce-placeholder 27/03/24
27 Mar

Religious Schools: The ALRC’s report 142 is a blatant attack on religion and must be condemned.

Statements by Senators – Australian Law Reform Commission, Wednesday March 27, 2024 Senator BABET (Victoria—United Australia Party Whip) (13:20): I rise today to speak about the recommendations by the Australian Law Reform Commission on religious discrimination. These recommendations are an egregious ...

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woocommerce-placeholder 26/03/24
26 Mar

Excess Deaths: On his fifth try at referring Excess Deaths to a Senate committee for inquiry, Senator Babet is successful.

COMMITTEES – Community Affairs References Committee – Reference, Tuesday March 26, 2024 Senator BABET (Victoria—United Australia Party Whip) (16:37): I advise the chamber that Senators David Pocock and Lambie will be co-sponsoring this motion, and I seek leave to amend business ...

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woocommerce-placeholder 25/03/24
25 Mar

Energy: All we’re going to get from this government is higher prices and less reliable power.

Matters of Public Importance – Energy, Monday 25 March, 2024 Senator BABET (Victoria—United Australia Party Whip) (16:06): Obviously, I rise in support of Senator Canavan’s urgency motion. Why wouldn’t I? Of course, I do. The Labor Party’s mad fixation on rewiring ...

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woocommerce-placeholder 25/03/24
25 Mar

Religious Schools: Senator Babet calls out anti-religious bias in the recent Australian Law Reform Council Report 142.

Statements by Senators – Religious Discrimination, Monday March 25, 2024 Senator BABET (Victoria—United Australia Party Whip) (13:48): I always thought that freedom of religion and freedom of association were foundational freedoms beyond interference from government, but, hey, I guess I was ...

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woocommerce-placeholder 20/03/24
20 Mar

Jobs for ex-Labor PMs: Kevin Rudd is a Dud, says Senator Babet.

STATEMENTS BY SENATORS – International Relations: Australia and the United States of America, Wednesday March 22, 2024 Senator BABET (Victoria—United Australia Party Whip) (13:48): Say what you like about Donald Trump; if his assessment of Kevin Rudd is any indication, the ...

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woocommerce-placeholder 18/03/24
18 Mar

The Liberals: Senator Antic’s pre-selection at #1 in SA should be a wake up call nationwide for the Liberal Party

Statements by Senators – Liberal Party of Australia, Monday 18 March, 2024 Senator BABET (Victoria—United Australia Party Whip) (15:18): I rise to congratulate my colleague Senator Alex Antic on securing the very highest spot on the South Australian Liberal Party ticket. ...

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woocommerce-placeholder 28/02/24
28 Feb

Dunkley By-Election: Voters should make this government pay for their ineptitude.

Senator BABET (Victoria—United Australia Party Whip) (16:38): Obviously, I rise here in support of Senator Hume’s matter of public importance. The only constant in Australian politics seems to be broken promises. The Dunkley by-election is quickly becoming less of a political ...

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woocommerce-placeholder 28/02/24
28 Feb

The Hard Left: Committing acts of vandalism against our nation is treasonous, says Senator Babet.

Statements by Senators – Vandalism, Wednesday 28 February, 2024 Senator BABET (Victoria—United Australia Party Whip) (13:47): Yet another Captain Cook statue has been vandalised in my home state of Victoria. Masked idiots, claiming that Cook the explorer was responsible for colonisation, ...

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