Statements by Senators – Child Abuse

Senator BABET (Victoria—United Australia Party Whip) (13:48): The revelation that an Australian Federal Police investigation recently led to a former childcare worker being charged with 1,623 child abuse offences is shocking and deeply disturbing. It’s hard to fathom how anyone could inflict this much suffering on children. I’m obviously thankful to the AFP for uncovering this monstrous crime against the 91 girls, all under the age of 10. We need to understand how anyone could get away with these unspeakable crimes for so long. I cannot imagine how distressing this must have been for the members of the AFP, the Queensland Police Service, New South Wales Police and, it goes without saying, obviously, these girls’ parents. Just listening to the press conference made me physically ill and filled me with rage.

Clearly, this horrific case raises questions because of the sheer number of children involved and the length of time over which these alleged crimes were committed. We need to look very hard at exactly what happened and how it was able to go on for such a long period of time. I wish I could say it was an isolated incident, but we all know that it was not. We have to do whole lot more to unmask these rock spiders and make sure that they never see the light of day. If they’re found guilty of raping children, this is what we need to do: we need to throw these degenerates into a wood chipper. That’s what we need to do.