Senate Speeches

  • The Public Service: it needs to be slashed, says Senator Babet.
    Statements by Senators – Public Sector Governance, Wednesday 3 July, 2024 Senator BABET (Victoria—United Australia Party Whip) (13:47): Many Australians are quickly realising that, as bad as this Labor government has been, it may not be the biggest problem that we have. You see, if you sack the government, you can vote out your local MP, for example. But, if you do that, the only thing that changes is the name on the door of the local electorate office. The same nameless, faceless, unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats who were pulling the strings before you cast your ballot will continue to pull the…
  • Taxation: “the Australian public do not take kindly to being cheated on.”
    Statements by Senators – Albanese Government, Wednesday 27 March, 2024 Senator BABET (Victoria—United Australia Party Whip) (13:48): The Albanese government has never seen a tax it did not want to flirt with. And it has never met a tax it did not want to take home. Of course, the Australian public do not take kindly to being cheated on. Retaining the affection of the people means that you have to be subtle about your multiple affairs with levies, excises, duties, tolls and, of course, taxes. The Prime Minister and his Treasurer have become experts at denying the taxation lipstick on their…
  • Religious Schools: The ALRC’s report 142 is a blatant attack on religion and must be condemned.
    Statements by Senators – Australian Law Reform Commission, Wednesday March 27, 2024 Senator BABET (Victoria—United Australia Party Whip) (13:20): I rise today to speak about the recommendations by the Australian Law Reform Commission on religious discrimination. These recommendations are an egregious attack on people of faith. That’s what they are. It must be rejected. All of their recommendations must be rejected by everyone here in this chamber. How dare the ALRC suggest that the state dictate to religious people which views on human sexuality are acceptable and which views are not acceptable? Who died and made the ALRC the Pope? How…
  • Excess Deaths: On his fifth try at referring Excess Deaths to a Senate committee for inquiry, Senator Babet is successful.
    COMMITTEES – Community Affairs References Committee – Reference, Tuesday March 26, 2024 Senator BABET (Victoria—United Australia Party Whip) (16:37): I advise the chamber that Senators David Pocock and Lambie will be co-sponsoring this motion, and I seek leave to amend business of the Senate motion No. 2 as circulated in the chamber. Leave granted. Senator BABET: I move the motion as amended: That the following matters be referred to the Community Affairs References Committee for inquiry and report by 31 August 2024: (a) Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data showing excess deaths in recent years, with particular reference to: (i) all-cause provisional…
  • Energy: All we’re going to get from this government is higher prices and less reliable power.
    Matters of Public Importance – Energy, Monday 25 March, 2024 Senator BABET (Victoria—United Australia Party Whip) (16:06): Obviously, I rise in support of Senator Canavan’s urgency motion. Why wouldn’t I? Of course, I do. The Labor Party’s mad fixation on rewiring our nation and the energy grid will not change global temperatures—we all know that—but it is creating havoc across our nation. It beggars belief, it really does, that Minister Bowen, who in my personal opinion has failed at every ministry portfolio that he has ever held, is now in charge of completely dismantling and deconstructing our reliable baseload energy infrastructure…
  • Religious Schools: Senator Babet calls out anti-religious bias in the recent Australian Law Reform Council Report 142.
    Statements by Senators – Religious Discrimination, Monday March 25, 2024 Senator BABET (Victoria—United Australia Party Whip) (13:48): I always thought that freedom of religion and freedom of association were foundational freedoms beyond interference from government, but, hey, I guess I was wrong. You can imagine my shock when the ALRC’s report on religious educational institutions and antidiscrimination laws was released just recently. Christian school groups have labelled the report as ‘a direct attack on faith and freedom of belief in Australia’, and they say that, if the recommendations are adopted, ‘Christian education as we know it will cease to exist’. The…
  • Jobs for ex-Labor PMs: Kevin Rudd is a Dud, says Senator Babet.
    STATEMENTS BY SENATORS – International Relations: Australia and the United States of America, Wednesday March 22, 2024 Senator BABET (Victoria—United Australia Party Whip) (13:48): Say what you like about Donald Trump; if his assessment of Kevin Rudd is any indication, the man is an excellent judge of character. Trump, when asked overnight about Australia’s ambassador to the United States, described the former Labor Prime Minister as ‘a little bit nasty’. While he’s not wrong, just ask a few members of the Labor Party. Treasurer Jim Chalmers once described Kevin Rudd as having a dysfunctional leadership style and a demeaning attitude toward…
  • The Liberals: Senator Antic’s pre-selection at #1 in SA should be a wake up call nationwide for the Liberal Party
    Statements by Senators – Liberal Party of Australia, Monday 18 March, 2024 Senator BABET (Victoria—United Australia Party Whip) (15:18): I rise to congratulate my colleague Senator Alex Antic on securing the very highest spot on the South Australian Liberal Party ticket. Good job, Senator Antic! While the Liberal Party seems all but dead in my home state of Victoria, there may still be some life—some, but not much—left in the party of Menzies. Senator Antic is a rare conviction politician, and he fights for what is right. He has the courage to speak the truth and defend Australian values. There are…
  • Dunkley By-Election: Voters should make this government pay for their ineptitude.
    Senator BABET (Victoria—United Australia Party Whip) (16:38): Obviously, I rise here in support of Senator Hume’s matter of public importance. The only constant in Australian politics seems to be broken promises. The Dunkley by-election is quickly becoming less of a political poll and more of an IQ test. Are the people of Dunkley really so naive as to believe the empty promises and meaningless reassurances of this government? The Prime Minister has spent weeks insisting that he should be rewarded for having a plan to reduce the cost of living. A plan? What plan? Where’s the plan? The failed referendum wasn’t…
  • The Hard Left: Committing acts of vandalism against our nation is treasonous, says Senator Babet.
    Statements by Senators – Vandalism, Wednesday 28 February, 2024 Senator BABET (Victoria—United Australia Party Whip) (13:47): Yet another Captain Cook statue has been vandalised in my home state of Victoria. Masked idiots, claiming that Cook the explorer was responsible for colonisation, used an angle grinder to cut down his monument in Fitzroy Gardens. It didn’t matter to them that Cook was an explorer, not a coloniser, nor did it matter that Cook died nine years before those aboard the First Fleet ever set foot on Australian soil. On the path beside the fallen Cook statue, they spray-painted the words, ‘The colony…