Statements by Senators – The Liberal Party

Senator BABET (Victoria—United Australia Party Whip) (13:48): They support freedom of speech by secretly colluding with big tech to censor on social media. They support freedom of religion by doing nothing to protect it, even when Christians are sacked from their jobs just because they quoted the Bible. They support the inalienable rights of all Australians but not the right of the unvaccinated to leave the country or hold a job. They support lean government by letting the nation’s debt balloon to $1 trillion. They cut burdensome taxes by introducing sneaky invisible subsidies for renewables that push up the price of energy. They minimise interference in our daily lives by allowing employers, including state governments, to mandate COVID vaccines that never stopped transmission and resulted in injury and death for some. They support equal opportunity by endorsing a racist voice to parliament.

They preserve Australia’s natural beauty and environment by allowing great amounts of it to be covered in inefficient wind turbines and solar panels that will only end up in landfill and are extremely resource intensive to manufacture. They support individual freedom and free enterprise by sending thousands of small businesses broke while allowing big corporates to operate and thrive. They support an efficient private sector by burying it in red tape and bureaucracy. They support basic freedoms of parliamentary democracy by colluding to protect the two-party system. They are nothing but a shadow of their former selves.