Matters of Urgency – Pensions and Benefits, 27 March 2023

Senator BABET (Victoria—United Australia Party Whip) (17:07): I thank Senator McKim for moving this urgency motion, but I cannot agree with his proposal to increase taxes on hardworking Australians. The legislated stage 3 tax cuts must proceed. I’ll go even further and propose that the government reduce taxes on lower and middle income earners as well.

I know those opposite often like to pretend that they can play the role of Robin Hood. I know that they do this with the best of intentions, but in reality, they are just accessories to the crime of theft by taxation. More taxes will not solve any of our nation’s social or financial issues. Socialism fails every time and everywhere. It appears to be easier to just blame the rich than it is to work hard, take risks and grow one’s wealth. We must not forget that in our nation it is the top 3.6 per cent of owners who disproportionately pay more than 31 per cent of taxation revenue. One does not become wealthy by chance. It requires hard work, dedication and risk—lots of risk. If we want our nation to prosper, we must encourage entrepreneurship. Instead of taking money out of the pockets of Australian families, government should be responsible and get out of the way of hardworking Australians and their families. It could start with policies like income splitting, allowing families to split their incomes, pay less tax and spend more time with their precious children. There would be less reliance on taxpayer subsidies and far more stability in the family home. Increasing welfare is not the answer. Reducing taxation, red tape and green tape—there’s your answer. Socialism doesn’t work, it’s never worked and it will not help anyone.