
woocommerce-placeholder 26/09/23
26 Sep

Commonwealth Bilateral Air Services Agreement Select Committee: Senator Babet’s Q&A – Brisbane Public Hearing

CBASA – Tuesday September 26, 2023 Productivity Commission Dr Alex Robson, A/g Chair Senator BABET: Dr Robson, your submission to this committee stated: … there would likely be net benefits to the Australian community from further liberalisation of international air ...

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woocommerce-placeholder 03/07/23
03 Jul

Denied a heart transplant because of vaccine status : Vicki

For those who don't know, Vicki is a mother, a wife and a proud Australian. Vicki needs a heart transplant and unfortunately was denied one based on her vaccine status. Unfortunately she now has no other choice but to seek ...

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03 May

Behind enemy lines: ABC radio interview.

Senator Babet takes on the ABC's Raf Epstein and gives and good as he gets. Raf thinks that drag queen story time is no big deal, but Senator Babet strongly disagrees. Have a listen to this 7 minute interview and ...

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23 Mar

People are dying. The government won’t investigate. Why?

 printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry’s standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

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