Statements by Senators – Migration, Monday November 13, 2023

Senator BABET (Victoria—United Australia Party Whip) (13:45): Whenever I travel abroad and return home, I am always reminded of just how amazing our country is and how lucky we are to live in Australia. I’ve never been to another country that’s as good, obviously. Now, Australia is not only blessed with great natural beauty; we are also blessed with abundant mineral resources and, as a result, we have a great quality of life. But what really makes this country special is the society that we have created: a society that allows individuals to flourish in an atmosphere of tolerance and peace. This is why millions of people have chosen to say goodbye to their country of birth and call Australia home. My family did it, and it was obviously the best decision that we ever made.

Now, Australia has welcomed people from all over the world, and many of them have fled violence, torture, war or tyranny. Despite—or perhaps because of—that hardship that so many have fled, Australia has become a haven of peace and of prosperity. The reason is obviously simple. Almost everyone who comes here leaves behind the hatred that poisoned their existence and commits to our peaceful, democratic way of life. To those who bring violence and hatred to our streets, my message is actually quite simple: if you want to live here in Australia, you have to love Australia. You must love our culture and you must strive to make our great nation even better. Leave behind your feuds. Leave behind your vendettas. They have no place in our beautiful country. If you want to pursue those things, I’ve got a simple thing to tell you: Australia doesn’t need or want you. See you later.